Nimi: | Pua |
Loomaliik: | Kass |
Sugu: | Emane |
Vanus: | Alla 1-aastane |
Staatus: | Kodu leidnud loomad |
Maakond: | Harju maakond |
Värvus: | must |
Tehtud protseduurid: |
Rohkem infot
ERAISIKU KUULUTUS: Kontakt - Külli Erik 5016303
Pua on metsikute kassivanemate laps kes sündis laudas ja püüti kolm nädalat tagasi ja toodi kodusooja. Temaga tegelemine on puhas rõõm- süles ta sulab ja nurrub tunde- inimese käe usaldamine vòtab veel aega kuid toitu saab näpu vähelt ilusti anda. kapinurgad ja riiulid on lemmik peidupaigad ja seal ootab kannatlikult kui sülle saab. Süles ei rapsi ja uudistab kuid juurde ise veel ei tule. Mäng on tore , eriti pisikesed põrkepallid ja teised kiisud. Silmavaade on mõtlik ja pisut selgeltnägev. Tegemist korraliku nõiakassiga..???? tal on lugu. Ta tahab seda sulle rääkida…
Pua is the child of wild cat parents, born in a barn. She was caught three weeks ago and brought into the warmth of a home. Taking care of her is pure joy—she melts in your lap and purrs for hours. Trusting a human hand will take some more time, but she will gently take food from your fingers. The corners of cupboards and shelves are her favorite hiding spots, where she waits patiently until she can be held again. In your lap, she doesn’t struggle, just curiously watches, though she hasn’t yet come on her own.
Playtime is fun, especially with little bouncy balls and other cats. Her gaze is thoughtful and a bit mystical, almost like she can see beyond—she’s a proper witch’s cat. ???? She has a story. And she’s ready to tell it..